Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This weekend was nice and refreshing. I attempted to sleep in on Saturday morning, but only lasted until 7:45. I went back to sleep, but it was a real effort to stay abed. I ended up lazing around all day, cleaning at times, reorganizing my computer files and cleaning up my messes. I was truly satisfied after I got my things in order. I've taken to grifting the teeny jelly jars at breakfast, which are good for two purposes. 1) Eating jelly or honey later with bread in my room, and 2) I enjoy reusing the little glass jars. Around the hotel pool grow these beautiful tropical flowers, from which the buds regularly fall off. At night, I like to go around and collect them, but they last longer in my room in water. I've already monopolized all of the drinking glasses intended for the minibar drinks, so the jelly jars are just perfect. The lids are the perfect size to hold a tea-lite candle, too, and as I've taken the ceramic candle holder that is standard in my room, it's a good thing. (PS I think the cleaning lady finally doesn't hate me; today, she replaced the exhausted tea-lite with TWO new ones).
Anyway, I better go. Lunch ended a while ago, and it's just no good to blog while Ibu Luci is trying to talk.


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